User Access Rights: Cameras Tab

This page provides an overview of permissions separately for each desired camera and camera group.


To ensure that camera permissions from the Cameras tab take effect, first assign the corresponding permissions in the Cameras Сategory under the General tab. Without these general permissions, the camera-specific permissions will not function.

The camera and camera group permissions include:

HierarchyPermission NameDescriptionRequired Permission
PrimaryView CamerasGrants access to the selected camera or camera group.
SecondaryHide WatermarkDisables watermark overlaying on video from the selected camera or camera group.View Cameras
SecondaryHide Privacy MaskingDisables privacy masking on video streams from the selected camera or camera group.View Cameras
SecondaryView LiveGrants access to view live video streams from the selected camera or camera group.View Cameras
SecondaryExport VideoGrants access to the Export tab of the Client Panel and allows exporting video from the selected camera or camera group.View Cameras
SecondaryCreate SnapshotAllows the creation of a snapshot from the selected camera or camera group.View Cameras
SecondaryControl ManuallyAllows to control PTZ manually for the selected camera or camera group.View Cameras
SecondaryView PTZ PresetsAllows to view and switch PTZ preset positions for the selected camera or camera group.View Cameras
SecondaryView AlarmsGrants access to all alarms related to the selected camera or camera group and allows viewing search results filtering by Alarms category.View Cameras
SecondaryView Notifications Grants access to all notifications in the Notification Panel related to the selected camera or camera group.View Cameras
TertiaryView PlaybackGrants access to view video recordings from the selected camera or camera group.View Cameras, View Live
TertiaryManage AlarmsAllows editing and managing alarms related to the selected camera or camera group.View Cameras, View Alarms
QuaternaryView BookmarksGrants access to view all bookmarks on the selected camera or camera group recordings.View Cameras, View Live, View Playback
QuinaryCreate BookmarkAllows the creation of bookmarks on the selected camera or camera group recordings.View Cameras, View Live, View Playback, View Bookmarks
QuinaryEdit BookmarkAllows to edit bookmarks on the selected camera or camera group recordings.View Cameras, View Live, View Playback, View Bookmarks
QuinaryDelete BookmarkAllows to delete bookmarks from the selected camera or camera group recordings.View Cameras, View Live, View Playback, View Bookmarks
  • All secondary permissions require the previous assignment of the View Cameras primary permission. Otherwise, these options are blocked.
  • All lower-order permissions (tertiary, quaternary, and quinary) require the prior assignment of their respective higher-order permissions. Without these permissions, the related lower-order options are inaccessible.
  • Hovering the mouse cursor over the blocked permission allows viewing a list of all necessary permissions that must be assigned beforehand.
  • The user has full access to the required camera or camera group features only if all permissions are selected within the assigned role.
  • The user does not have any access to the required camera or camera group unless at least the View Cameras primary permission is selected within the assigned role.

Schedule Settings

To set the schedule for enabling View Live or View Playback permission, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Expand the View Live or View Playback section by clicking the Arrow icon
  2. Choose the operation time frames from the Within Schedule drop-down list: 
    • Always
    • Mon-Fri
    • Sat-Sun
    • Custom
  3. Limit the playback duration by selecting the required option from the Limit Playback To drop-down list (available for View Playback permission only):
    • No limit
    • Last 5 minutes
    • Last 10 minutes
    • Last 30 minutes
    • Last hour
    • Last 6 hours
    • Last day
    • Last 2 days

To configure a custom schedule, select the Edit icon. In the Edit Custom Schedule pop-up window:

  1. Select/deselect the required operation hours for each day:
    • Click the single cell to select/deselect it
    • Hold and drag the mouse to select/deselect multiple cells in the required area
    • Click the required hour to select/deselect the corresponding cell column
    • Click the required day of the week to select/deselect the corresponding cell row
    • Click the All button to select/deselect all cells in the table chart
  2. Click the Confirm button