
This page describes the Maps/Plans item that allows viewing and managing maps and plans.


To access maps and plans, select the Maps/Plans item in the main menu:

Use and Functionality

The Maps/Plans item shows maps, plans, and their groups. The item's functional menu allows to:

  1. Enter the map or plan name or characters in the name in the Map/Plan Name search field to filter maps and plans
  2. Sort maps and plans by:
    • Newest first
    • Oldest first
    • Name (A-Z)
    • Name (Z-A)
  3. Right-click anywhere in the empty space, and in the drop-down menu:
    • Create a new map/plan
    • Create a new group of maps/plans
  4. Right-click the group name, and in the drop-down menu:
    • Create a new map/plan within this group
    • Create a subgroup within it
    • Rename the group
    • Copy the group to the clipboard
    • Paste the group or map/plan (enabled only if the group or map/plan has already been copied to the clipboard)
    • Delete the group
  5. Right-click the map/plan name, and in the drop-down menu:
    • Rename the map/plan
    • Copy the map/plan to the same group
    • Move the map/plan to another group
    • Edit the map/plan
    • Delete the map/plan
  6. Hover the mouse cursor over the desired map/plan to see its preview
  • The number in parentheses next to the group name indicates the number of items added to this group.
  • A map/plan editor can also be opened by double-clicking the map/plan name.
  • The group containing maps, plans, or other groups cannot be deleted. First, delete the items within the group, and then proceed to delete the group itself.

Create New Map/Plan

To create a new map or plan in the root folder, click the green Create Map/Plan button, or select the Create Map/Plan option in the drop-down menu upon right-clicking the required group to create a map or plan within it. In the New Map/Plan pop-up window:

  1. Select the desired type:
    • Map
    • Plan
  2. Enter map/plan name
  3. Upload a plan image (available for plans only):
    • Drag the file to the field or
    • Select it among files on the computer by clicking the Upload icon
  4. Click the Confirm button
Once the map/plan is created, the map/plan editor opens, enabling the arrangement of devices on the map/plan.

Edit Map/Plan

To edit the required map or plan, left-click the map/plan name. The map/plan editor interface comprises the following elements:

  1. Map segment or a full-scale plan image, depending on the chosen type
  2. Expandable sidebar featuring editing tools
  3. Confirmation button to save the changes
  4. Return button to navigate back to the Maps/Plans item

Locate Devices

Click the arrow to expand the sidebar and view the list of devices. Hold and drag the desired device from the list to the plan or map to place it in the required location.

Once all required devices are located on the map/plan, select the required device to:

  1. See camera frame preview (available only for Camera devices)
  2. Hold and drag the device icon/view area or shape area to relocate the device
  3. Hold and drag the handles to:
    • Change the angle of view and rotate the device (for icon-displayed devices)
    • Change the borders of the shape (for shape-displayed devices)
  4. Hold and drag the arrow to change the size of the cone
  5. Right-click the device icon to see the extra options. In the drop-down menu:
    • Select the Edit View option to configure the device display settings
    • Click the Open in New Tab option to open the camera full-screen frame view in a separate tab (available only for Camera devices)
    • Select the Delete option to remove the device from the map or plan
  • Deleted devices return back to the list in the sidebar.
  • The handles in shape-displayed devices can be deleted by right-clicking.
  • The shape is based on at least 3 handles.

The Edit View pop-up window allows to:

  1. Configure the required device display parameters:
    • Select the text and icon size:
      • Small
      • Medium
      • Large
    • Choose the display method:
      • As icon
      • As shape
    • Select the desired icon or shape
    • Choose the color of the icon, shape, and cone
    • Check the Show Field of View checkbox to display the cone area
    • Check the Show Name checkbox to display the name of the device
  2. Click the Delete button to remove the device from the map/plan
  3. Select the Confirm button to save changes
The Show Field of View parameter is enabled only for devices displayed as icons.