Alarm Rules

This page describes the Alarm Rules item that allows viewing and managing rules and alarms for them.


To access alarm rules, select the Alarm Rules item in the main menu:

Use and Functionality

The Alarm Rules functional menu allows to:

  • Enter the rule group or rule name or characters in the name to filter by rules and rule groups
  • Select multiple required alarm types from the drop-down list:
    • Generic Alarm
    • Camera Disconnected
    • License Issue
    • Server Failure
    • Server Started
  • Select multiple required sources. In the Select Source pop-up window:
    • Check the boxes next to the required sources and folders
    • Click the Confirm button

Once selected and filtered, see the rules and rule groups in the table below. It contains:

  • Rule and rule group ID
  • Rule and rule group name
  • Alarm type
  • Source name
  • Selected action:
    • Start Camera Recording
    • Send HTTP Request
    • Execute PTZ Preset
    • Open Layout
    • Play Sound
    • Write to Log
    • Create Bookmark
    • Create Alarm
    • Generate Notification
  • Status toggle, which indicates whether the rule is enabled (green) or disabled (grey)
  • Toolbox comprises:
    • Edit Rule option
    • Delete Rule/Rule Group option
  • Context menu by right-clicking the rule group in the table with options to:
    • Create a new rule within the selected group
    • Create a new rule group within the selected one (up to 4 levels of nesting)
    • Rename the selected rule group
    • Collapse the selected rule group if it was expanded
    • Delete the selected rule group
  • Context menu by right-clicking the rule in the table with options to:
    • Rename the selected rule
    • Move the selected rule to another rule group
    • Delete the selected rule
  • Click the Create Group button to create a new rule group in the root group.
  • Click the Status toggle to switch the rule status.
  • Hold, and drag the rule groups to rearrange them in the table.
  • Hover the mouse cursor over the required source or action name that doesn't fit in the column to read it in full in the tooltip. Click the Copy icon within the tooltip to copy the source or action name to the clipboard.

Create Rule

To create a new rule, click the Create Rule button:

The Create Rule pop-up window comprises 5 tabs:

  1. What
  2. Where
  3. When
  4. Action
  5. For
If the License Issue alarm type is selected in the What tab, the total number of visible tabs will be reduced from 5 to 4, skipping the Where tab.

What Tab

Configure the parameters in the What tab:

  1. Fill in the required fields:
    • Enter the rule name
    • Select the rule group
    • Select the alarm type from the drop-down list:
      • Generic Alarm
      • Camera Disconnected
      • License Issue
      • Server Failure
      • Server Started
  2. Click the Next button to proceed
  • The Caption Content field for the Generic Alarm type is optional, allowing users to fill it in at their discretion.
  • The License Issue alarm type is triggered whenever the license status deviates from Activation Completed. If the status changes to License Expired due to license expiration, the alarm will be generated daily at midnight until the license is deactivated.

Where Tab

Select the desired camera/server source in the Where tab:

  1. Fill in the Search field with:
    • Camera/server name or characters in the name
    • Camera/server ID
  2. Select the checkboxes in the list to select the required cameras and groups or servers
  3. Click the Next button to proceed
  • The Where tab is disabled for the License Issue alarm type selected in the What tab.
  • The Where tab displays the list of available cameras for Generic Alarm and Camera Disconnected alarm types, while for Server Failure and Server Started alarm types it shows the list of available servers.
  • At least one camera/server source must be selected to proceed.

When Tab

Set up the rule operation schedule in the When tab:

  1. Select/deselect the required rule operation hours for each day:
    • Click the single cell to select/deselect it
    • Hold and drag the mouse to select/deselect multiple cells in the required area
    • Click the required hour to select/deselect the corresponding cell column
    • Click the required day of the week to select/deselect the corresponding cell row
    • Click the All button to select/deselect all cells in the table chart
  2. Click the Next button to proceed
The selected hours in the table chart become green, while the unselected ones remain gray.

Action Tab

Configure actions in the Action tab:

  1. Set action parameters:
    • Select the required action type from the drop-down list:
      • Start Camera Recording
      • Send HTTP Request
      • Execute PTZ Preset
      • Open Layout
      • Play Sound
      • Write to Log
      • Create Bookmark
      • Create Alarm
      • Generate Notification
    • Configure the additional parameters
  2. Add more actions by clicking the Add Action button
  3. Delete the required action by clicking the red Delete icon in the expanded action block
  4. Click the Next button to proceed
  • To learn more about each action type's additional parameters configuration, read the Action Parameters Configuration section.
  • The additional parameters are available for all action types, except Write to Log.
  • The red Delete icon is available only if multiple actions are added.

Action Parameters Configuration

The Start Camera Recording action type allows to:

  1. Click the Camera(-s) for Action parameter to select at least one required camera in the Select Source pop-up window
  2. Check the Also Set On Source Camera checkbox to add the source camera to the camera selection list
  3. Enter the required value in seconds for the Pre-Recording and Post-Recording fields
  4. Check the Fixed Duration checkbox to enable fixed recording duration. In the activated fields:
    • Enter the required recording duration value
    • Select the value type from the drop-down list:
      • Seconds
      • Minutes
The Pre-/Post Recording and Fixed Duration parameters for the Start Camera Recording action type are mutually exclusive, and only one of them can be used.

The Send HTTP Request action type allows to:

  1. Select the request method:
    • Get
    • Post
  2. Enter HTTP(S) URL (mandatory parameter)
  3. Select the content type (optional parameter) from the drop-down list:
    • application/json
    • application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    • application/xml
  4. Select the authentication type from the drop-down list:
    • None
    • Basic
    • Digest
  5. Enter login and password (optional parameters) for Basic and Digest authentication types

The Execute PTZ Preset action type allows to:

  1. Select the required camera from the Camera for Action drop-down list
  2. Select a customized PTZ preset from the drop-down list for the selected camera
  3. Click the Add Preset button to add another pair of Camera for Action/PTZ Preset parameters
  4. Click the Delete icon to remove the required pair of Camera for Action/PTZ Preset parameters
  • The Add Preset button is enabled only if items in the first pair are selected.
  • The Delete icon is available only if multiple pairs are added.

The Open Layout action type allows to:

  1. Choose the layout created in Admin Center from the Layout drop-down list
  2. Select the view mode from the drop-down list:
    • Live
    • Playback
Make sure that the role selected in the For tab has access to the chosen layout.

The Play Sound action type allows to:

  1. Select the required sound:
    • Open the Sound drop-down list and select the desired sound
    • Click the Browse button to upload the sound from the computer
    • Click the Test button to play the selected sound
  2. Check the Interval of Action checkbox to set a specific minimum interval between sound playbacks. In the activated fields:
    • Enter the required minimum interval value
    • Set the value type from the drop-down list (seconds, minutes)

The Create Bookmark action type allows to:

  1. Click the Camera(-s) for Action parameter to select at least one required camera in the Select Source pop-up window
  2. Check the Also Set On Source Camera checkbox to add the source camera to the camera selection list
  3. Select a bookmark color from the drop-down list:
    • Red
    • Yellow
    • Lime
    • Green
    • Blue

The Create Alarm action type allows to:

  1. Select a user from the drop-down list to assign them an alarm from this rule
  2. Choose the alarm priority from the drop-down list:
    • Low
    • Medium
    • High
  3. Select the alarm state from the drop-down list:
    • New
    • In Progress
    • On Hold
    • Closed
  4. Write instructions for the user to whom an alarm will be assigned
All created alarms are displayed in the Alarms Tab of the Client Panel.

The Generate Notification action type allows to:

  1. Select the Generate Desktop Notification checkbox to receive pop-up notifications on your computer
  2. Receive notifications in the Notification Panel regardless of whether the Generate Desktop Notification checkbox is selected
The Generate Desktop Notification option also requires granting permission for desktop notifications in the web browser.

For Tab

Select the desired role in the For tab:

  1. Fill in the Search field with:
    • Role name or characters in the name
    • Role ID
  2. Select the checkboxes in the list to select the required roles
  3. Click the Confirm button to complete the rule creation process
  • At least one role must be selected.
  • The root role (ID 1) has to be selected to assign the alarm rule to Administrators. Do not select this role if Administrators should not be notified if the alarm rule executes.

Edit Rule

To edit the required rule parameters, click the Edit icon on the toolbox. In the Edit Rule pop-up window:

  1. Change parameters in the required tabs:
    • What
    • Where
    • When
    • Action
    • For
  2. Select the Confirm button to apply changes
  • The Where tab is disabled for the License Issue alarm type.
  • The detailed parameter configuration process is described in the Create Rule section.

View Rule

To view the required rule details, double-click the row with the rule in the table:

Select the required tab to view the configured rule parameters:

  • What
  • Where
  • When
  • Action
  • For
The Where tab is disabled for the License Issue alarm type selected in the What tab.

Delete Rule

To delete the rule:

  1. Select the Delete icon on the toolbox
  2. Confirm the intention in the pop-up window