Recording Servers: Server Parameters

This page describes the server parameters and options to configure them.


To access the parameters, select the required server in the Recording Servers item:

The server parameters are organized into the following tabs:

  • The switching between tabs is available by clicking on their names.
  • The selected tab is always highlighted.

Info Tab

The Info tab allows to:

  • View the server ID
  • View the server UUID
  • View the server name and edit it by clicking the Edit icon
  • View the server description and edit it by clicking the Edit icon
To view the Edit icon, hover the mouse over the required field.

Storage Tab

The Storage tab allows to:

(in the development process)

Network Tab

The Network tab allows to:

  • Select/deselect the Enable Public Access checkbox to allow/restrict remote access to the selected recording server
  • Enter the recording server's public address and port
  • Click the Save button to apply changes
The server's public address is primarily utilized for remotely accessing video streams connected to the selected server.